Within exploratory stage, we chosen a non-exhaustive, empirical micro-study in an effort to earn some grip in the area.

Within exploratory stage, we chosen a non-exhaustive, empirical micro-study in an effort to earn some grip in the area.


Triangulating meeting data, associate observance, and a study of well-known discourses through the broad range of means mentioned above let the theme of swiping to emerge. Appropriate Foucaulta€™s (1978) guideline of a€?the tactical polyvalence of discourses,a€? we comprehend discourse as a multiplicity of characteristics a€?that can come into play in various strategiesa€? (p. 100). And since we keep a€?discourse as several discontinuous segments whose tactical function is neither consistent nor secure,a€? (Foucault, 1978, p. 100) we reject the divisions between approved and excluded discourse to be able to accept mid-range discursive possibilities like divergent narratives and story-lines, and discourse-coalitions or stars grouped around sets of story-lines (Bingham, 2010). Read more