White Ladies Relationship Dark Guys Are Guilty Until Verified Innocent

White Ladies Relationship Dark Guys Are Guilty Until Verified Innocent

Sep 22, 2017 · 4 minute browse

Seem, as much as white folks desire imagine we are now living in a “post-racial” people — we don’t. Yes , we now have evolved and yes things are improving, but after the afternoon we nevertheless are now living in an exceptionally racist society. Therefore, I & most every other person of color in the world is quite skeptical about white females dating/fucking black colored men. Not merely because they are white, but because y’all have actually a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG reputation for utilizing and fetishizing black colored boys to satisfy your racist fancy. You can save your own think-piece exactly how “reverse racist” i’m because I do not care and attention, and truth is specifics. In all honesty, also I occasionally believe possibly men and women are overreacting or being remarkable about this whole thing, however a news title happens about some small white woman phoning her black colored boyfriend a nigger or blaming him for a robbery she performed, and I’m similar to —

Imagine we was best. Today, no one is claiming every single WW/BM interracial union is created on racism, but this occurs thus damn usually that you’re attending must convince me, you ain’t a trifflin becky before I faith you.

Lest we do not forget Emmett Till while the trifflin becky which had your murdered for no reasons. Not really acquainted with him? Let me provide you with a quick summary. Emmett Till is a 14-year old black son in Chicago in 1955 who was murdered for presumably flirting with a white lady. We say allegedly because folks in the world know she ended up being lying right after which only early in the day this present year, this old bitch arrived and accepted she lied. Not too eliminating a 14-year older (or people) for flirting is ok, but the girl lying regarding it, simply managed to make it tough. Becky lied about it incident and shared with her four male family unit members this negro was flirting along with her. The boys went along to Emmett’s uncle’s household in which he had been keeping kidnapped and punished him. Tied your toward back of a truck and drove around, defeat your and put his system inside river. He was so terribly tortured that whenever his human anatomy had been found, their head was actually disfigured, with his one of his true attention happened to be missing. That is the type of evil shit white female do to dark boys. Actually this isn’t hundreds of years in the past, this was 1955.

Or think about The Scottsboro Boys? In 1931, nine black boys were accused of raping two sleeping ass white lady. eight from the nine are found guilty with zero evidence and sentenced to passing.

Not current enough for you personally? Really, you’re in luck because white girls haven’t ended becoming bad.

1985 — The middle Park Five exact same crap, accused of rape by sleeping ass white females.

1994 — Susan Smith, advertised she were carjacked by a black colored people whom stole the woman toddlers but do you know what? Turns out she rolling this lady vehicle into lengthy Lake in S.C. by herself, drowning her own kids.

2007 — Amanda Knox, murdered the woman roomie and charged their black colored boss. Actually, he had beenn’t even only black people implicated of your. An innocent black colored man served fifteen years in jail before she admitted she managed to get right up.

2010 — Bethanny Storro, stated a black colored man merely wandered up to this lady and thrown acid on the, disfiguring her face. Works out, she lied. She put they on herself as an attempted suicide.

I am talking about i will keep working, but In my opinion you will get the idea. White girls bring a long history of being positively wicked towards black males, and this doesn’t also account for people who date black men only to piss off their unique racist daddies or have an “I favor large black colored c*ck” dream. Or like Lena Dunham creating a complete facts about escort Kansas City Odell Beckham Jr, looks shaming this lady and phoning her fat because the guy didn’t glance at her during the Met Gala.

So indeed, there was a reason most of us side-eye WW/BM interactions. There is a reason precisely why i really do maybe not offer white girls the advantage of the doubt. I’m maybe not stating every interracial commitment is like this, but for the reason that a long record which hasn’t stopped to exists, i will require you to confirm your self maybe not a trifflin becky earliest.

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